
These entries are free as in freedom. After obtaining a copy, you may copy, edit, and share them. Please see https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html for more information.

Released, available for download

  1. Apps and edits for Firefox web browser.
  2. Apps for NOKIA's Maemo GNU/Linux mobile platform.
  3. A mychess script for xboard chess client using GNU Bash.
  4. A polls site in Perl, Dancer (was a university assignment) (hosted by repo.or.cz).
  5. Apps for Wikimedia.
  6. default-everything.css, a user style.
  7. IRC:
  8. A list of USB speakers available for purchase in Australia, NSW in 2017.

In progress, incomplete

  1. Host a mirror of WikinewsMirror.
  2. Spread or implement ?requirements for software hosting.
  3. Package for debian and GNUstep.
  4. Lobby for Bicycle helmets exemptions in NSW, Australia.
  5. Use and deploy sugarlabs.
  6. sign up at ring@gnu.org mailing list and message about https://tuleap.ring.cx/plugins/tracker/?aid=1334 (this needs a matrix for various software)
  7. ?groups
  8. cooking
  9. electric-cars in NSW, Australia
  10. mobiles
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project
  12. Collaborative editing
  13. https://archive.org/details/khlebnikov--kamchatka, author, deletion talk (for brick) Wed Jun 28 19:24:44 AEST 2017
  14. https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews:Water_cooler/proposals/Translating_articles
  15. Translate everything.
  16. Interview for Wikinews.
  17. Eliminate the non-free things.
  18. Make ReactOS-libre.
  19. Develop the transport arrival info app.
  20. Fix the Desktops.
  21. Read about the surprising tradeoff at the center of the question whether to build a Native or Web App.
  22. Check wheher m3u8 is a free format?
  23. Make swimwear diy.
  24. Read notes about freenode (very minimal and chaotic).
  25. find what school can use for communications
  26. Improve spam handling on live chat
  27. https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2005/05/11/making-wrong-code-look-wrong/
  28. idea - IP visibility in ircd-seven
  29. idea - btsearch
  30. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Open_Broadcaster_Software&printable=yes